
Jesuit Values


At Loyola University Chicago, Jesuit values such as Cura Personalis, Magis, and Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam are integral to shaping the educational experience. Cura Personalis emphasizes caring for each individual’s holistic well-being, while Magis inspires a relentless pursuit of excellence for the greater good. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam calls for actions that glorify a higher purpose. These values guide the Division of Student Development in fostering an environment of personal growth, ethical leadership, and meaningful service.

Cura Personalis (Care for the Whole Person)

What it means?

"Cura Personalis" is a core Jesuit principle that emphasizes the importance of caring for every aspect of a person—mind, body, and spirit. This value reflects Loyola’s holistic approach to education and student life, recognizing that each individual is unique, with specific needs, strengths, and challenges. 

Here at Loyola

This value is evident in the university's personalized academic advising, mental health resources, and wellness programs offered through the Division of Student Development (DSD). Faculty, staff, and student development professionals are encouraged to understand and support students' personal and academic growth, fostering an environment where students feel valued and supported in all dimensions of their lives. 

Magis (Striving for Excellence)

What it means?

"Magis" is a Latin term meaning "more" or "greater." In the Jesuit context, it refers to the pursuit of excellence—not for self-aggrandizement, but as a way to do and be more for others and God. It encourages continuous improvement and a commitment to surpassing the status quo. 

Here at Loyola:

Loyola instills and fosters in its students and faculty a drive to achieve their best in academics, research, and service. DSD plays a key role in promoting critical thinking, innovation, and ethical leadership, encouraging all community members to use their talents to contribute to the common good. "Magis" is also reflected in Loyola's commitment to social justice, where excellence is measured by its meaningful impact on human fulfillment.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God) or A.M.D.G.

What it means?

The Jesuits' motto, "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam," translates to "For the Greater Glory of God." It signifies that all actions, no matter how small, should be done with the intention of mirroring God's goodness. This value calls for selflessness and dedication to a higher purpose.

Here at Loyola:

This principle inspires the university's mission to educate students not just for careers but for lives of purpose and meaning. It underpins Loyola's efforts, including those led by the DSD, to cultivate a community where ethical decision-making, service, and spiritual reflection are integral to the educational experience.

Service of Faith and Promotion of Justice

What it means?

This value reflects a commitment to living out one's faith through actions that promote social justice. It aligns with the Jesuit mission to be "people for and with others," particularly by standing in solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed. 

Here at Loyola:

Loyola’s programs and initiatives, including those facilitated by the DSD, are deeply rooted in this value. The university offers numerous opportunities for students to engage in social justice work, including community service, advocacy, and internships focused on issues such as poverty, immigration, and environmental sustainability. This value also informs the curriculum, with courses designed to challenge students to think critically about ethical issues and their role in addressing injustice. 

Finding God in All Things

What it means?

This value encourages an awareness of God’s presence in every aspect of life. It calls for a spirituality that recognizes the sacred in the ordinary, inviting individuals to reflect on their experiences and discern God's will in their lives. 

Here at Loyola:

The DSD also supports this value by fostering a culture of reflection, where students are encouraged to pause and consider how their studies, relationships, and daily activities relate to their broader spiritual journey. 

Unity of Mind and Heart

What it means?

Jesuit education seeks to integrate intellectual rigor with deep personal reflection and faith. This value emphasizes aligning one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions with their values and beliefs, creating a harmonious and authentic life.

Here at Loyola:

Loyola encourages students to engage in both intellectual and spiritual exploration. The university’s liberal arts education model, supported by the DSD, is designed to develop critical thinking skills while also fostering moral and ethical development. Programs such as the First Year Experience and interdisciplinary studies challenge students to connect their academic learning with personal values and social responsibility. 

People for and with Others

What it means?

This value encapsulates the Jesuit ideal of selflessness and solidarity. It calls for individuals to use their talents and privileges to serve others, particularly those who are most vulnerable, and to work alongside them in the pursuit of justice and equality. 

Here at Loyola:

Loyola's commitment to service is evident in its emphasis on community engagement and social justice. The DSD encourages students to participate in service-learning courses, volunteer work, and internships that focus on serving marginalized communities. The university fosters a sense of global citizenship, urging students not only to be aware of social issues but also to take an active role in addressing them. This value is also reflected in Loyola’s global initiatives and partnerships, which aim to live in a more just and humane world. 

Together, these values form the foundation of Loyola University Chicago's mission and educational philosophy, guiding students, faculty, and staff—supported by the Division of Student Development—to lead lives of holistic purpose, grounded in faith and committed to justice. 



At Loyola University Chicago, Jesuit values such as Cura Personalis, Magis, and Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam are integral to shaping the educational experience. Cura Personalis emphasizes caring for each individual’s holistic well-being, while Magis inspires a relentless pursuit of excellence for the greater good. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam calls for actions that glorify a higher purpose. These values guide the Division of Student Development in fostering an environment of personal growth, ethical leadership, and meaningful service.