Loyola University Chicago

Sustainability Committee

Sustainability Recognitions

Loyola has been recognized many times for its sustainability efforts. A complete and up to date summary of awards, both institution-wide and project/building/individual specific is kept by the Office of Sustainability. Contact sustainability@luc.edu to request this. 

A summary of awards and recognitions can be found under the Commitments & Recognitions page.


Loyola does regularly recognize sustainability excellence among its students, staff, faculty and community partners. Programs include:

Spirit of Laudato si’ Student Excellence Awards - As part of the annual student Excellence Awards, Loyola’s Sustainability Committee recognizes students that have shown leadership in sustainability teaching and service. Spirit of Laudao si’ Awards are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Visit this site to learn more or apply. 

Sustainability Scholars - In partnership with the Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy, the Office of Sustainability provides faculty stipends to advance sustainability across the curriculum.