Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago MVSS: Military Veteran Student Services Military Veteran Student Services

Transition Checklist

Step 1: Apply for Admission

Submit your admission application to Loyola University Chicago. 

Step 2: Apply for VA Educational Benefits

Apply for VA educational benefits through the E-Benefits portal, online at: https://www.ebenefits.va.gov.

Please note it can up to six weeks for the VA to process your application and send your certificate of eligibility (COE). Submit a copy of your COE to the MVSS office.

Mail: 6443 N Sheridan Road Chicago, IL 60660
Email: veterans@luc.edu 
Fax: 773-508-3397

Step 3: Apply for Financial Aid

In addition to your VA benefits, you can also apply for scholarship, grant, and loan assistance. We recommend completing the FAFSA as early as possible Financial Aid.

Step 4: Register with the Office of Military Veteran Student Services

The MVSS office serves as the central hub for VA benefits, resources and services. You can reach the MVSS office by email at veterans@luc.edu or phone at 773.508.7755.

Step 5: Choose Where You Will Reside

Deciding what your living arrangements will be is an important part of transitioning to Loyola University Chicago. Living arrangements should be finalized before you begin classes. The University offers numerous choices for living on-campus living

If you choose to reside off-campus, check out the resources available through the Off-Campus Student Life Office. It is important to be mindful of the expenses that come with living off campus, such as utility bills, internet, etc. MVSS is always available if you need help with making living arrangements.

Step 6: Thoroughly Read all Correspondence from Loyola University Chicago

You will receive correspondence from the University by email and standard mail, outlining orientation and registration dates. You will receive instructions on how to set up your LOCUS account and university email account.  Please read all this information carefully.