
Use of Computing Services

Information Technology Services (ITS) is the university organization that provides access to the university computing, networking, telephony and information resources through its public-access facilities, including computing centers and computer labs. Access and use of public-access facilities, e.g., computing centers and computer labs, are available to students, faculty and staff to help them accomplish the following, in decreasing order of priority for resource allocation and scheduling:

  • course work and the university goals for students as presented in the Computers in Teaching and Learning document,
  • undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate research,
  • other research publishable under the name of the University,
  • career placement, and
  • other personal enrichment goals, including professional development.

Demand for access and use of public-access facilities may occasionally exceed available resources. In such cases, activities which are more essential to the University's mission in education and research will be given higher priority by the appropriate facilities management.

Availability of limited access guest privileges

Limited access guest privileges to public-access facilities may be extended to visiting students and faculty, and other persons, by the University given the availability of these facilities. Such privileges are contingent upon the availability of public-access computing and networking facilities and services. At times, these privileges may need to be limited further or suspended in order to insure access and use of resources by Loyola students and faculty, e.g., during times of peak resource usage, by the appropriate facilities manager or systems administrator.


As a convenience to our visiting colleagues from other universities, Loyola University Chicago provides wireless Internet access via eduroam.  Eduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming wireless access service developed for the international research and education community. Eduroam is an encrypted (WPA2) wireless service that allows a visitor to connect to the Internet using their native university credentials without the need to have a Loyola guest ID.

Responsibilities of individuals using public-access facilities

All individuals who use the public-access facilities are obligated to adhere to University policies and regulations which are specific to computers and networks, including the Access and Acceptable Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony and Information Resources policy and the Rights and Responsibilities for the Access and Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony and Information Resources policy. These policies are available and can be found on the Loyola University Chicago website. 

Appeal of an administrative decision

Individuals who disagree with an administrative decision may submit an appeal of the decision to the appropriate facilities manager or systems administrator. From there, students may submit an appeal to the Dean of Students, a faculty member through their department administration either to the Provost or to the Vice President for the Health Sciences, and a staff member may appeal through their management to the Vice President for Human Resources. Individuals must submit these appeals according to any rules and procedures issued by system administrators or component administrators. 

Non-compliance and penalties

Disregarding policies and procedures concerning access and use of public-access facilities and services, may result in the denial or removal of access privileges by the appropriate facility manager or system administrator, and may lead to disciplinary actions under the applicable University's standards of conduct, i.e., Student Handbook (students), Faculty Handbook (faculty), and Employee Handbook and Personnel Policies (staff). Additionally, such disregard may be referred to other authorities for civil litigation and criminal prosecution under applicable state and federal statutes.

Legal context for this policy

Regarding legal context, all existing laws (state and federal) and University policies, regulations and rules apply, including not only those laws and regulations that are specific to computers and networks, but also those that apply generally to personal conduct including Sexual Harassment.

Relationship of this policy with others

This policy supplements the Access and Acceptable Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony, and Information Resources and the Rights and Responsibilities for the Access and Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony and Information Resources policies. These policies are available and can be found on the Loyola University Chicago website. The University reserves the right to change the information, requirements and procedures announced in this policy. This policy will continue to be in effect until a further revision is required and promulgated. Consult the campus computing center or the appropriate system administrator for information on other policies, procedures or directives that supplement this policy.


Loyola Joins Eduroam
Sexual Harassment: Faculty, Staff and Students

History and Updates

  • September 4, 2011: Initial Policy
  • October 30, 2012: Annual Review for PCI Compliance
  • June 23, 2015: Annual Review for PCI Compliance, added eduroam information
  • April 26, 2016: Annual Review for PCI Compliance
  • April 19, 2017: Annual Review for PCI Compliance
  • Sep 7, 2018: Annual Review for PCI Compliance
  • Author: UISO
  • Version: 1.2

Information Technology Services (ITS) is the university organization that provides access to the university computing, networking, telephony and information resources through its public-access facilities, including computing centers and computer labs. Access and use of public-access facilities, e.g., computing centers and computer labs, are available to students, faculty and staff to help them accomplish the following, in decreasing order of priority for resource allocation and scheduling:

  • course work and the university goals for students as presented in the Computers in Teaching and Learning document,
  • undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate research,
  • other research publishable under the name of the University,
  • career placement, and
  • other personal enrichment goals, including professional development.

Demand for access and use of public-access facilities may occasionally exceed available resources. In such cases, activities which are more essential to the University's mission in education and research will be given higher priority by the appropriate facilities management.

Availability of limited access guest privileges

Limited access guest privileges to public-access facilities may be extended to visiting students and faculty, and other persons, by the University given the availability of these facilities. Such privileges are contingent upon the availability of public-access computing and networking facilities and services. At times, these privileges may need to be limited further or suspended in order to insure access and use of resources by Loyola students and faculty, e.g., during times of peak resource usage, by the appropriate facilities manager or systems administrator.


As a convenience to our visiting colleagues from other universities, Loyola University Chicago provides wireless Internet access via eduroam.  Eduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming wireless access service developed for the international research and education community. Eduroam is an encrypted (WPA2) wireless service that allows a visitor to connect to the Internet using their native university credentials without the need to have a Loyola guest ID.

Responsibilities of individuals using public-access facilities

All individuals who use the public-access facilities are obligated to adhere to University policies and regulations which are specific to computers and networks, including the Access and Acceptable Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony and Information Resources policy and the Rights and Responsibilities for the Access and Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony and Information Resources policy. These policies are available and can be found on the Loyola University Chicago website. 

Appeal of an administrative decision

Individuals who disagree with an administrative decision may submit an appeal of the decision to the appropriate facilities manager or systems administrator. From there, students may submit an appeal to the Dean of Students, a faculty member through their department administration either to the Provost or to the Vice President for the Health Sciences, and a staff member may appeal through their management to the Vice President for Human Resources. Individuals must submit these appeals according to any rules and procedures issued by system administrators or component administrators. 

Non-compliance and penalties

Disregarding policies and procedures concerning access and use of public-access facilities and services, may result in the denial or removal of access privileges by the appropriate facility manager or system administrator, and may lead to disciplinary actions under the applicable University's standards of conduct, i.e., Student Handbook (students), Faculty Handbook (faculty), and Employee Handbook and Personnel Policies (staff). Additionally, such disregard may be referred to other authorities for civil litigation and criminal prosecution under applicable state and federal statutes.

Legal context for this policy

Regarding legal context, all existing laws (state and federal) and University policies, regulations and rules apply, including not only those laws and regulations that are specific to computers and networks, but also those that apply generally to personal conduct including Sexual Harassment.

Relationship of this policy with others

This policy supplements the Access and Acceptable Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony, and Information Resources and the Rights and Responsibilities for the Access and Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony and Information Resources policies. These policies are available and can be found on the Loyola University Chicago website. The University reserves the right to change the information, requirements and procedures announced in this policy. This policy will continue to be in effect until a further revision is required and promulgated. Consult the campus computing center or the appropriate system administrator for information on other policies, procedures or directives that supplement this policy.


Loyola Joins Eduroam
Sexual Harassment: Faculty, Staff and Students

History and Updates

  • September 4, 2011: Initial Policy
  • October 30, 2012: Annual Review for PCI Compliance
  • June 23, 2015: Annual Review for PCI Compliance, added eduroam information
  • April 26, 2016: Annual Review for PCI Compliance
  • April 19, 2017: Annual Review for PCI Compliance
  • Sep 7, 2018: Annual Review for PCI Compliance
  • Author: UISO
  • Version: 1.2