

Editorial Board and Staff Membership Information

Student members are selected for the Annals of Health Law and Life Sciences each spring for the following academic year. Further details are made available via Law School Announcements ahead of the member selection process. Members hold different roles and positions on the journal. Below are the job descriptions of our editorial board and journal members. The staff is determined in the spring of each year for the following school year.

General Information Regarding the Editing Process

When an article is accepted for publication, a member of the Executive Board works directly with the author to coordinate the editing process. The Executive Board member then works with a Senior Editor and team of members to substantively edit the article and ensure that the article’s footnotes adhere to the citation standards of the Bluebook.

From the time the article is received until the time it is sent to the publisher, there are roughly three phases: advanced editing, formatting, and pre-print. The advanced editing phase involves the work of the general members and is a crucial part of putting together a finished product. During advanced editing, footnoting issues are addressed, missing sources are tracked down, and textual edits are finalized. The formatting phase is the most technical phase and is organized and coordinated by the Technical Production Editor. Any further changes to the article are made via direct contact with the author. The pre-print phase takes place immediately after the articles are formatted and before they are sent to the publisher. During this phase, all Executive Board members review the articles for typographical errors and overall presentation, including font and spacing.

Executive Board Job Descriptions

The Executive Board has three main functions relating to the editing process: (1) reading and reviewing all articles when submitted for publication decision; (2) reviewing edits made during the advanced editing phase and corresponding with the author regarding the same; and (3) ensuring the article is technically accurate and aesthetically appealing prior to publication.


The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) oversees the entire operation of the journal. This includes making final decisions on which articles will be published, setting the calendar, and determining when cite checks will be distributed. The EIC is responsible for initial editing and contact with the author, when appropriate. The EIC should ensure that all Executive Board members are performing as necessary throughout the editorial process. The EIC is responsible for all communication with the staff and fields all questions regarding the submission process, acceptance dates, etc. The EIC has the power and the discretion to make organizational changes if the structure of Annals is not working efficiently.

Course Credit: Annals Editorial Board, 6 credits awarded (3 per semester)

Publications Editor

The Publications Editor (PE) is responsible for the direction of each article and reviews each article to determine what special instructions the members and Senior Editors should receive. Once the Senior Editor has completed the initial advanced editing phase, the PE is in charge of ensuring the article meets publishing quality standards. The PE assigns all Executive Board members articles for advanced editing, reviews all footnotes for consistency, and works with the EIC to direct Bluebook training and training on Lexis and Westlaw.

Course Credit: Annals Editorial Board, 6 credits awarded (3 per semester)

Technical Production Editor

The Technical Production Editor (TPE) is in charge of converting articles into a format appropriate for publication. This involves technical work, which requires troubleshooting and handling the numerous problems that inevitably arise. The TPE directly contacts the publisher and resolves any issues. The TPE converts the article files from Word to the font and style used in the formal publication using a macro specifically designed for Annals. Once completed, the TPE manually to applies the appropriate style to various headings and quotations throughout the article, which requires familiarity with the formatting process and various styles.

Course Credit: Annals Editorial Board, 6 credits awarded (3 per semester)

Symposium Editor

The Symposium Editor (SE) is the liaison between the Institute for Health Law staff and Annals of Health Law and helps organize and coordinate the Annual Health Law and Policy Symposium. The Symposium takes place in November, but the bulk of the SE's work is completed during the summer and early fall. The SE is responsible for recruiting speakers and managing articles corresponding to the symposium.

Course Credit: Annals Editorial Board, 6 credits awarded (3 per semester)

Marketing & Coordinating Editor

The Correspondence Editor (CE) is in charge of marketing Annals, soliciting articles, and general correspondence with the authors. The CE is responsible for managing author/journal agreements, responding to authors who have submitted articles, and sending out acceptances and rejections. The CE is also in charge of charting accepted articles and coordinating listserve postings regarding solicitation of articles. The CE is in charge of signage, when appropriate, and arranging the annual year-end banquet.

Course Credit: Annals Editorial Board, 6 credits awarded (3 per semester)

Advance Directive Editor

The Advance Directive Editor oversees the operation of the Advance Directive online journal. This includes deciding themes for article topics, approving article proposals, and creating a timeline for deadlines. The Advance Directive Editor must review the edits made to members' articles by counterparts, and make additional edits for substance, grammar, and citations. The Advance Directive Editor should ensure that all members are performing as necessary throughout the article process. The Advance Directive Editor also works with the Technical Production Editor to format the articles for publication online. The Advance Directive Editor must also aid in marketing Advance Directive to the public after publication.

Course Credit: Annals Editorial Board, 6 credits awarded (3 per semester)

Informed Consent Senior Editor

The Informed Consent Senior Editor works directly with the Editor-in-Chief in selecting and editing articles to be published in Informed Consent. The Informed Consent Senior Editor oversees Members assigned to edit Informed Consent and coordinates with the Publications Editor in appropriately allocating Members to editing assignments. The Informed Consent Senior Editor should follow the Advance Directive Editing Guidelines, as set forth in the Annals of Health Law and Life Sciences Member Handbook

Course Credit: Annals Senior Editor, 4 credits awarded (2 per semester)

Senior Editors

Senior Editors (SEs) are the link between members and the Executive Board. SEs are the final editors before the manuscript is sent to the Executive Board members, and must review all of the changes the members suggest and synthesize these changes into one congruent article. The SEs provide detailed feedback to the members they work with so that the members have an idea of what is expected of them and what needs to be improved

Course Credit: Annals Senior Editor, 4 credits awarded (2 per semester)


Members play the most important role in the production of Annals. Members have four jobs for each Cite Check: (1) to review the entire article and make changes to writing style, punctuation, and grammar where needed; (2) to do a technical Bluebook check of ~5-10 footnotes; (3) to pull all sources cited in his/her assigned section of an article; and (4) to substantively check each footnote. Members must be attentive to detail, committed, and hard-working.

Course Credit: Annals Editing Skills, 2 credits awarded (1 per semester)

Editorial Board and Staff Membership Information

Student members are selected for the Annals of Health Law and Life Sciences each spring for the following academic year. Further details are made available via Law School Announcements ahead of the member selection process. Members hold different roles and positions on the journal. Below are the job descriptions of our editorial board and journal members. The staff is determined in the spring of each year for the following school year.

General Information Regarding the Editing Process

When an article is accepted for publication, a member of the Executive Board works directly with the author to coordinate the editing process. The Executive Board member then works with a Senior Editor and team of members to substantively edit the article and ensure that the article’s footnotes adhere to the citation standards of the Bluebook.

From the time the article is received until the time it is sent to the publisher, there are roughly three phases: advanced editing, formatting, and pre-print. The advanced editing phase involves the work of the general members and is a crucial part of putting together a finished product. During advanced editing, footnoting issues are addressed, missing sources are tracked down, and textual edits are finalized. The formatting phase is the most technical phase and is organized and coordinated by the Technical Production Editor. Any further changes to the article are made via direct contact with the author. The pre-print phase takes place immediately after the articles are formatted and before they are sent to the publisher. During this phase, all Executive Board members review the articles for typographical errors and overall presentation, including font and spacing.

Executive Board Job Descriptions

The Executive Board has three main functions relating to the editing process: (1) reading and reviewing all articles when submitted for publication decision; (2) reviewing edits made during the advanced editing phase and corresponding with the author regarding the same; and (3) ensuring the article is technically accurate and aesthetically appealing prior to publication.