
Environmental Law Society

Faculty Advisor: Carmen G. Gonzalez and Kalyani Robbins

The Environmental Law Society (ELS) seeks to build a community of student members interested in environmental law. Some of our members want to pursue environmental law as a career, but others simply wish to learn more about the field or incorporate good environmental policy into their chosen practice area. Environmental legal issues touch many areas of law, including international law, health law, child law, administrative law, human and civil rights law, and animal law.

ELS accomplishes this mission by developing and promoting events and programs for its members. We are committed to fostering student and community awareness and education regarding environmental affairs from ethical, legal, scientific, economic, policy, and sociological perspectives.

Additionally, the ELS has advocated for the inclusion of environmental law-related courses in the Loyola Law School curriculum. Former ELS President, Isabella Masini, successfully encouraged the law school to launch an environmental law program and hire two renowned environmental law professors, Kalyani Robbins and Carmen G. Gonzalez. Loyola now boasts year-round classes on topics including International Environmental Law, Land Use, and Natural Resource Management.

We look forward to meeting you!

2023-2024 Executive Board

President: Lucía G.
Vice President: Sarah Fritz, sfritz1@luc.edu
Secretary: Madeline Van Schelven, mvanschelven@luc.edu
Blog Editor: AJ Hacker, ahacker2@luc.edu
Executive Member: Adam Pycior, apycior@luc.edu

How to Join

All students in good standing are invited to join our Sakai page to become an ELS member, learn about events, and access a library of lectures on environmental law. Please contact Vice President Sarah Fritz (sfritz1@luc.edu) or President Lucía G.

What is the time commitment?

Students must attend at least one event per semester to be a member of the ELS. However, most members choose to do more as their schedules allow. Please note that events generally do not take place during finals week. You can attend events/lectures or become a 1L representative. As a 1L representative, your job will entail making section announcements or posting in your section’s GroupMe groups. 1L applications will open during September of the Fall semester.

How Can I Hold a Leadership Position?

At the end of the Spring semester each year, all ELS members elect leaders for the following year. If you are interested in a leadership position, please get in touch with Vice President Sarah Fritz (sfritz1@luc.edu) or President Lucía G. Elections will be posted in the Loyola Law School Announcement Email towards the end of the Spring semester.

ELS Blog

The ELS blog contains posts written by students and community members on developing environmental issues, the law, and other related subjects. To inquire about publication, please contact AJ Hacker at ahacker2@luc.edu. To find the blog, please go to: https://blogs.luc.edu/environmentallawsociety/.

2023-2024 Events

The ELS is currently working on the event/activities calendar for this school year which will be posted on our Sakai page and the Loyola Law School Announcement Email. If you wish to make any suggestions, please feel free to contact any of our members.

If you are a firm, community partner, or other school’s student organization and wish to partner with us on this or other events, please reach out to President Lucía G. or Vice President Sarah Fritz (sfritz1@luc.edu).

Faculty Advisor: Carmen G. Gonzalez and Kalyani Robbins

The Environmental Law Society (ELS) seeks to build a community of student members interested in environmental law. Some of our members want to pursue environmental law as a career, but others simply wish to learn more about the field or incorporate good environmental policy into their chosen practice area. Environmental legal issues touch many areas of law, including international law, health law, child law, administrative law, human and civil rights law, and animal law.

ELS accomplishes this mission by developing and promoting events and programs for its members. We are committed to fostering student and community awareness and education regarding environmental affairs from ethical, legal, scientific, economic, policy, and sociological perspectives.

Additionally, the ELS has advocated for the inclusion of environmental law-related courses in the Loyola Law School curriculum. Former ELS President, Isabella Masini, successfully encouraged the law school to launch an environmental law program and hire two renowned environmental law professors, Kalyani Robbins and Carmen G. Gonzalez. Loyola now boasts year-round classes on topics including International Environmental Law, Land Use, and Natural Resource Management.

We look forward to meeting you!

2023-2024 Executive Board

President: Lucía G.
Vice President: Sarah Fritz, sfritz1@luc.edu
Secretary: Madeline Van Schelven, mvanschelven@luc.edu
Blog Editor: AJ Hacker, ahacker2@luc.edu
Executive Member: Adam Pycior, apycior@luc.edu

How to Join

All students in good standing are invited to join our Sakai page to become an ELS member, learn about events, and access a library of lectures on environmental law. Please contact Vice President Sarah Fritz (sfritz1@luc.edu) or President Lucía G.

What is the time commitment?

Students must attend at least one event per semester to be a member of the ELS. However, most members choose to do more as their schedules allow. Please note that events generally do not take place during finals week. You can attend events/lectures or become a 1L representative. As a 1L representative, your job will entail making section announcements or posting in your section’s GroupMe groups. 1L applications will open during September of the Fall semester.

How Can I Hold a Leadership Position?

At the end of the Spring semester each year, all ELS members elect leaders for the following year. If you are interested in a leadership position, please get in touch with Vice President Sarah Fritz (sfritz1@luc.edu) or President Lucía G. Elections will be posted in the Loyola Law School Announcement Email towards the end of the Spring semester.

ELS Blog

The ELS blog contains posts written by students and community members on developing environmental issues, the law, and other related subjects. To inquire about publication, please contact AJ Hacker at ahacker2@luc.edu. To find the blog, please go to: https://blogs.luc.edu/environmentallawsociety/.

2023-2024 Events

The ELS is currently working on the event/activities calendar for this school year which will be posted on our Sakai page and the Loyola Law School Announcement Email. If you wish to make any suggestions, please feel free to contact any of our members.

If you are a firm, community partner, or other school’s student organization and wish to partner with us on this or other events, please reach out to President Lucía G. or Vice President Sarah Fritz (sfritz1@luc.edu).