
Latinx Law Students Association (LLSA)

Faculty advisor: Professor Sarah Diaz, sdiaz10@luc.edu

2024-2025 Executive Board

President: Laura Padilla
Vice-President: Stephanie Salinas
Director of Academic and Student Affairs: Elizabeth Aleyda Hernandez
Director of Social Media and Marketing: Crystal de la Luz Salgado
Director of Finance and Compliance: Stephanie Beltran Garland
Community Service Chair: Irina Herrera

The Latinx Law Students Association (LLSA) at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law exists to create an academic and social support network to help students succeed in law school.

Our goals are to offer programs that focus on professional and academic development; to bring in speakers to discuss legal issues affecting Latinos in the United States and abroad; to keep our members informed about scholarships, Latino-centric events, and potential employment opportunities; and to provide a means to be a part of and serve the broader Latino community. LLSA events aim to help build community and familiarity amongst Latino and non-Latino friends and classmates within the School of Law.

How Can I Join?

All Latino students at Loyola University Chicago School of Law are automatically members of LLSA. Any student in good standing may join LLSA by signing up on our TWEN page. All students are invited to participate in our events and programs.

How Can I Hold A Leadership Position?

Executive Board members are elected to their positions during the Spring semester. A candidate info session will be held in early April. Voting will take place during the last week of April.

For more information, visit us on TWEN or Instagram

For questions, please email the LLSA Executive Board.

Faculty advisor: Professor Sarah Diaz, sdiaz10@luc.edu

2024-2025 Executive Board

President: Laura Padilla
Vice-President: Stephanie Salinas
Director of Academic and Student Affairs: Elizabeth Aleyda Hernandez
Director of Social Media and Marketing: Crystal de la Luz Salgado
Director of Finance and Compliance: Stephanie Beltran Garland
Community Service Chair: Irina Herrera

The Latinx Law Students Association (LLSA) at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law exists to create an academic and social support network to help students succeed in law school.

Our goals are to offer programs that focus on professional and academic development; to bring in speakers to discuss legal issues affecting Latinos in the United States and abroad; to keep our members informed about scholarships, Latino-centric events, and potential employment opportunities; and to provide a means to be a part of and serve the broader Latino community. LLSA events aim to help build community and familiarity amongst Latino and non-Latino friends and classmates within the School of Law.

How Can I Join?

All Latino students at Loyola University Chicago School of Law are automatically members of LLSA. Any student in good standing may join LLSA by signing up on our TWEN page. All students are invited to participate in our events and programs.

How Can I Hold A Leadership Position?

Executive Board members are elected to their positions during the Spring semester. A candidate info session will be held in early April. Voting will take place during the last week of April.

For more information, visit us on TWEN or Instagram

For questions, please email the LLSA Executive Board.