Loyola University Chicago

Student Accessibility Center

Student Academic Services

Implementing Testing Accommodations

In order for classroom and testing accommodations to be active each term, students must log into Accommodate and send their accommodation letters to faculty. Once processed, faculty will receive an electronic copy of the accommodation letter via Accommodate.

It is the student's responsibility to schedule any quizzes or exams with SAC. Exams must be scheduled at least 7 days in advance through Accommodate. When a student schedules an exam with SAC before the deadline, faculty will receive an automated email from sactesting@luc.edu with the full list of students scheduled for their exam four (4) days in advance. Students that miss the 7-day deadline will need to take the exam in class.

Late Policy: Time is not adjusted for students that arrive late for exams. Students that arrive more than 15 minutes late will not be permitted to test in our office and will need to follow up with their professor.

Early Policy: Students may begin their exams up to 15 minutes early.

Academic Integrity Policy: The Student Accessibility Center follows the University's Academic Integrity Guidelines. Once a student has been identified as violating academic integrity, they will be stopped and the exam will be collected. SAC will immediately notify faculty members and Deans regarding the violation. Possible sanctions may include receiving an F or 0 on the exam, the course, or more, as determined by the faculty member, Dean, and/or Provost. 


Submitting Exams to SAC 

1. Submit exams via Accommodate

  • Log into Accommodate
  • Select Courses
  • Select Course Catalog
  • Select Specific Course
  • Select Exam tab
  • Select Add New Exam
  • Complete the required fields and upload the exam as an attachment. Please note only one file can be uploaded at a time
  • Select Submit

2. Submit in person to SAC 

  • LSC - Sullivan Center Suite 117, Hours M-F 8:30am-5pm
  • WTC - Lewis Towers 414C, Hours M-F 8:30am-5pm
  • Note: if you submit an exam in person, please submit a proctor form:

SAC LSC Testing hours are 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday.

SAC WTC Testing hours are 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday.

  • If you require students to use a blue book or scantron, you MUST submit those materials with the exam and proctor form. SAC cannot guarantee that extra scantrons or blue books will be available.

Returning Exams to Professors  & Instructors: 

  • If you choose to have completed exams returned digitally, they will be uploaded into Accommodate for you to access. Please allow up to two (2) business days.
  • Please follow the link for instructions on how to access completed exams in Accommodate: Accommodate Instructions for Uploaded Exams
  • If you choose to pick up completed exams, they will be available at the LSC and WTC offices during our office hours.