Loyola University Chicago

University Archives & Special Collections

Loyola Long-time Faculty and Staff Oral History Project

This project was conducted from 1990 to 2001 in conjunction with the History Department, especially with students and faculty for course 483 Oral History: Method and Practice. For each interviewee there is a tape, usually a typed transcription of all or part of the tape, and the legal documents which allow use by researchers.

If no transcription is available, there is a # preceding the person's name.

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z | 



#Appel, Nina S. Law School Dean



#Banta, Lorayne Asst. Dean, Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing
Baran, Ann Theatre Dept.
Barnes, Daniel Acting VP for Student Affairs and Director of the Counseling Center
Baumhart, Raymond C., S.J. President, retired
Bergen, Jeanelle, BVM. Mundelein College, Theatre Dept.
Biestek, Felix P., S.J. School of Social Work, retired
Burns, Joan M. College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office, retired



Callahan, Anne Modern Languages Dept.
#Carroll, Eamon, O.Carm. Theology Dept.
Casey, Patrick English Dept., retired
Catania, Francis[Frank] Philosophy Dept. and Graduate School Dean a previous interview with transcription was done in 1997
Cohen, Sheldon S. History Dept.
Collins, Ardis B. Philosophy Dept.
Cox, Dorothy W. Law Library & E.M. Cudahy Library, retired
Creighton, Fr. Matthew, S.J., Classical Studies Dept.
Crouther, Vanessa Lewis Library
Cusick, Marguerite [Peg] Executive Asst. to Dean College of Arts & Sciences



#Davis, William R. Upward Bound, retired
Deegan Rosemary Career Development & Placement
Delana, Genevieve A. Libn. E.M. Cudahy & Julia Deal Lewis Library, retired.
#DeZur, Bonnie Registration and Records WTC
Donohue, Agnes McN. English Dept., retired
Doyle, Francis Robert Law School Librarian
Dwyer, Margaret M. School of Social Work, retired



Egan, Catherine [Kay] Manager Group Life & Health Care Benefits
Ericson, Tom Facilities Dept.



Faught, James J. Asst. Dean of Law School
Franklin, Carol Administrative Assistant, Cudahy Library
Fredian, Alan J. Institute of Human Resources & Industrial Relations



Gagliano, Joseph History Dept.
Giblin, Mary Loyola University Medical Center Asst. Management Services
Grant, Paul Institute of Human Resources & Industrial Relations
#Gray, Walter History Dept.
Grollig, Francis X, S.J. Anthropology Dept.
#Gutek, Gerald School of Education



Haney, Thomas M. Law School Asst. Dean
#Hostert, George A. Jr. Assoc. VP Academic Administration, Registration & Records
Hills,Kathryn Ombudsperson Office, retired
Hudson, Gerolyn Asst. to Dean of Libraries




Jackson, Hugo Campus Security
Johnson, Homer Psychology Dept.
#Jozwiak, John R. School of Business, Accounting Dept.



Kambanis, John VP for Human Resource Management
Kennelly, Marina, BVM. Mundelein College, Chemistry Dept.
Krolikowski, Walter P., S.J. School of Education



Lane, Martin J. Alumni Association
Langdon, Mary M. [Megs] Community Programs
Lawton, Mary S. Fine Arts Dept.
LeBlanc, Mariette VP for Student Affairs, retired
Lopata, Helena Sociology/Anthropology Dept.
Lufen, Merle College of Arts and Sciences Asst. to Dean., retired.



#Machonga, Ralph J. Maintenance Foreman
#Malliaris, Tassos Economics Dept.
Marek, Irvin L. Dir. Career Development & Placement Services, retired partial transcription
Marwedel, Marilyn Retirement Services Manager
Matre, Richard A. Medical Center Provost, retired
#McCaffrey, Lawrence History Dept. emeritus
McCulloh, Gerald W. Theology Dept.
McDermott, Maryann School of Nursing
McDonald, Avis Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing, retired
McGugan, Ruth E. English Dept. retired
McMahon, Thomas F., CSV. School of Business, Management Dept
McPartlin, Mary Louise Correspondence Study Division
Messbarger, Paul R. English Dept.
#Moore, Albert LUMC Operating Room Orderly, retired
Moore, Carl E. Chemistry Dept. retired
Mundy, Paul Sociology/Anthropology Dept. retired
Murphy, John P., S.J. Classical Languages Dept.





O'Connell, Carolyn Vellos Athletic Dept.
O'Reilly, Charles School of Social Work



Pendergast, Joseph S., S.J. Classical Studies Dept.
Powell, John J., S.J. Theology Dept.
#Powers, Edward Y. [Ted] Purchasing Dept. retired
#Powers, Francis J., CSV. Political Science Dept. retired





Rdzak, Sylvia History Dept. Admin Secretary
Reilly, Father John, S.J. Development
Reinke, John H., S.J. Chancellor emeritus
Renshaw, Domeena LUMC Psychiatry Dept.
Robertson, Patricia Sociology Department
Roll, J. Donald, S.J. Physics Dept.
Ronan, Charles E., S.J. History Dept.
Ryan, Mary Patricia Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing, retired


Sanders, Jerry Information Technologies
Sargis, Eileen Executive Secretary, VP for Student Affairs
#Schmidt, Jean Dolores, BVM. Mundelein College
#Serwatka, Lorraine Academic Administration, retired
Smith, Kay A. Asst. Dean, School of Education
#Spiroff, Boris Biology Dept.
Sporlein, Cheryl Manager of Operations
#Steinbrecher, Joan Dean of Student Services, Institutional Research
Stewart, Lydia LUMC Foster McGaw Hospital, Patient Relations
#Stuhlmiller, Frances Asst. to the President, retired
Svaglic, Martin English Dept., retired
Szabelski, Rose Registration & Records Division



#Talkin, Ralph H., S.J. Asst. Professor, Theology
#Thomas, Edward Facilities Dept. Manager. [tape distorted]





Van Hoesen, Martin H. Chief Engineer, Steam Plant



Walker, Franklin History Dept. retired
Wasisco, Cecilia T. University Bursar, retired
Wehner, Elizabeth [Betty] Bursar and Personnel Offices, retired
Weis, Earl A., S.J. Theology Dept. emeritus
Wersching, Yolande WTC Reference Librarian, Bibliographer
#White, Douglas H. English Dept. retired
Willmes, Robert J., S.J. Dental School Regent, Rector, Chairman of Board of Trustees
Wolff, Joseph English Dept., retired
Wood, Walter, M.D. Dept. of Community & Family Medicine
Woyczynski, Teresa Project Manager
Wozniak, John School of Education, retired
Wronski, Teresa LUMC Dean of Student Affairs







Zimmerman, Ann School of Nursing, retired


# - No transcription available