

Loyola University Chicago is a private Jesuit institution with a strong history of liberal arts and professional programs. The Loyola University Chicago Archives and Special Collections (LUCASC) develops and maintains collections that support current and future teaching, learning, and research. This collection supports the scholarly curiosity of our students, faculty, staff, the wider Loyola community, and researchers from outside Loyola.

Archivists use their expertise in collection management to ensure the health, balance, and cost effectiveness of our collections. We strive to maintain active collections; this involves the acquisition and preservation of resources to better support research and learning needs.

In selecting materials for our collections, our actions are based on the belief in the essential importance of intellectual curiosity, knowledge acquisition, and the human desire to create, and we endeavor to fully support these pursuits. We affirm the value of academic freedom and the free exploration of knowledge, consistent with the liberal arts foundations of Jesuit educational practices. We strive to build collections that support research and learning and that represent a multitude of perspectives. Informed by the University’s commitment to social justice, we take particular care to lift voices, communities, histories, and perspectives that have been historically diminished, marginalized and/or underrepresented in archives when they are encountered in our collections and/or when we seek to fill gaps in our collections.

Our collecting practices are based on our established collecting policy, which guides us in collecting with an eye toward offering a breadth and depth of materials that can sustain a wide variety of intellectual inquiries and pursuits.

Researcher Information

Please consult this section for information on making research appointments, how the collections are arranged and described, confidentiality of university records, potential harmful language, and reproduction and use of materials.

Research Appointments

Research appointments must be made a least 48 hours in advance, not including weekends and holidays. Please use the Ask the Archivist form to make a research appointment.

Information on materials to be used (i.e. boxes from archival collections or call numbers for books) must be submitted at least 48 hours in advance of the research visit, not including weekends and holidays. 

Research Policies

Please consult the following policies for information on making research appointments, restrictions on university records, potential harmful language in collections, and more.

Access Policy

Information for accessing the collections, including how to make research appointments.

Arrangment & Description Policy

Information on how the Loyola Archives and Special Collections prepares archival collections for research.

 University Records Confidentiality Policy

Some restrictions apply to University records. This policy provides information on these restrictions as well as what University records are not accepted.

 Harmful Language Policy

The Harmful Language in Archival Description Policy explains how we are working on remediating any potential harmful language that might be found in the collections. This process is continually evolving and is incorporated into our daily work.

 Reading Room Policy

Please read the reading room policy for information on making research appointments as well as what is expected of researchers who visit the archives.

Reproduction and Use Policy

Information on how to request reproductions of materials in the collections and permission to publish or use reproductions for other than personal research. 


Collection Information

These policies provide information on how collections are acquired, arranged, and described at the Loyola University Chicago Archives and Special Collections.

Collection Policies

Acquisition Policy

Information on what materials we do and do not acquire along with information on how collections are acquired.

Collecting Policy

Information on our established collecting areas.

Arrangment & Description Policy

Information on how we process (i.e. arranges and describes) collections for use by researchers. 

University Records Confidentiality Policy

Some restrictions apply to University records. This policy provides information about these restrictions and the types of University records not accepted. 

Harmful Language Policy

Information on how we handle harmful and disrespectful language found in the collections. 

Loyola University Chicago is a private Jesuit institution with a strong history of liberal arts and professional programs. The Loyola University Chicago Archives and Special Collections (LUCASC) develops and maintains collections that support current and future teaching, learning, and research. This collection supports the scholarly curiosity of our students, faculty, staff, the wider Loyola community, and researchers from outside Loyola.

Archivists use their expertise in collection management to ensure the health, balance, and cost effectiveness of our collections. We strive to maintain active collections; this involves the acquisition and preservation of resources to better support research and learning needs.

In selecting materials for our collections, our actions are based on the belief in the essential importance of intellectual curiosity, knowledge acquisition, and the human desire to create, and we endeavor to fully support these pursuits. We affirm the value of academic freedom and the free exploration of knowledge, consistent with the liberal arts foundations of Jesuit educational practices. We strive to build collections that support research and learning and that represent a multitude of perspectives. Informed by the University’s commitment to social justice, we take particular care to lift voices, communities, histories, and perspectives that have been historically diminished, marginalized and/or underrepresented in archives when they are encountered in our collections and/or when we seek to fill gaps in our collections.

Our collecting practices are based on our established collecting policy, which guides us in collecting with an eye toward offering a breadth and depth of materials that can sustain a wide variety of intellectual inquiries and pursuits.